Write an algorithm, in English, to solve the following problem. Be sure to include pre- and post-conditions!

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The problem is:

Write an algorithm, in English, to solve the following problem. Be sure to include pre- and post-conditions!

Problem: Find the largest value in an array of integers.

- We are given an array of integers.
- The array has at least one element.

- We have determined the largest value in the array.

1. Initialize a variable "max" to store the largest value.
2. Iterate through each element in the array.
a. Compare the current element with the value stored in "max".
b. If the current element is greater than "max", update "max" with the current element.
3. Return the value stored in "max" as the largest value in the array.

To find the largest value in an array of integers, we can use a simple algorithm that iterates through each element and keeps track of the maximum value we have encountered so far.

First, we initialize a variable "max" to store the largest value. We can start by setting "max" to the first element of the array.

Then, we iterate through each element in the array. For each element, we compare it with the current value stored in "max". If the element is greater than "max", we update "max" with the value of the current element. This process continues until we have checked all elements in the array.

Finally, we return the value stored in "max" as the largest value in the array.

This algorithm guarantees that we will find the largest value in the given array of integers by comparing each element to the current maximum value. It assumes that the array has at least one element and does not modify the input array.