What is 9.9 + (11 % 8)?

Write one line that creates a variable named Pickles that can hold an integer and assign it the value of ten.

what i might be able to help u if you make ur uestion more cleat

How do I solve the below,as it relates to JAVA programming?

What is 9.9 + (11 % 8)?

To solve the expression 9.9 + (11 % 8), we can follow the order of operations, which states that we should first calculate the remainder (modulus) using the % operator, and then perform the addition.

Here's how you can evaluate the equation in Python:

1. Calculate the remainder (modulus) by dividing the 11 by 8 using the % operator: 11 % 8 = 3.
2. Add the result from step 1 to 9.9: 9.9 + 3 = 12.9.

Therefore, the value of 9.9 + (11 % 8) is 12.9.

To create a variable named "Pickles" in Python and assign it the value of ten, you can use the following one-line code:

Pickles = 10

In this code, "Pickles" is the variable name, and the value 10 is assigned to it using the equals sign (=).