the legendary king midas was a:

a.very beautiful
b.very rich man
c.very wise man
d.very brave man
i choose c??

I think you're guessing.

Google King Midas.

yea i kinda was is just that im in a rush and wanna get this booklet done lol >-<


how come these comments keep earasing???0_confused

I remove inappropriate comments from this forum.

I can also ban posters who post very many inappropriate comments.

oh ok well im about to go to sleep i didn't notice my comment was so rude i was just speakin my mind if u did take it to offence i am sorry :(..

The legendary King Midas was actually known for his great wealth, rather than his wisdom. He is famously remembered for the myth where he was granted a wish by the god Dionysus, and he chose to have the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. However, as the story goes, this gift turned out to be a curse, as it affected not only objects but also his loved ones, including his daughter. Eventually, King Midas realized the limitations and downsides of his wish and learned the importance of humility and the dangers of excessive greed. So, to answer your question, option b, "very rich man," is the correct answer.