given that tan(x/2)=a. Express tan(x) and sin(x) in terms of a. Hint: use that fact that x= 2*(x/2)

To express tan(x) and sin(x) in terms of a, we can use the double-angle formula for tangent:

tan(2θ) = (2tanθ) / (1 - tan²θ)

Using the hint given, we can substitute θ = x/2 into the formula to find the value of tan(x). Let's do the calculation step by step:

1. Start with the given equation: tan(x/2) = a

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by 1 - tan²(x/2):

(1 - tan²(x/2)) * tan(x/2) = a * (1 - tan²(x/2))

3. Simplify the left side using the identity: 1 - tan²(x/2) = sec²(x/2):

sec²(x/2) * tan(x/2) = a * sec²(x/2)

4. Divide both sides of the equation by sec²(x/2) to isolate tan(x/2):

tan(x/2) = (a * sec²(x/2)) / sec²(x/2)

tan(x/2) = a

5. Substitute the value of tan(x/2) obtained from step 4 into the double-angle formula:

tan(x) = 2 * tan(x/2) / (1 - tan²(x/2))

tan(x) = 2 * a / (1 - a²)

Now, let's proceed to express sin(x) in terms of a. We can use the identity:

sin(x) = 2 * sin(x/2) * cos(x/2)

Using the half-angle formula for sine, we can substitute the value of tan(x/2) = a into the formula:

1. Start with the half-angle formula: sin(x) = 2 * sin(x/2) * cos(x/2)

2. Substitute sin(x/2) = (2 * tan(x/2)) / (1 + tan²(x/2)) and cos(x/2) = 1 / √(1 + tan²(x/2)):

sin(x) = 2 * (2 * a / (1 + a²)) * (1 / √(1 + a²))

sin(x) = 4a / (√(1 + a²) * (1 + a²))

Hence, tan(x) = 2a / (1 - a²) and sin(x) = 4a / (√(1 + a²) * (1 + a²)), expressed in terms of a.