3. Exercise: Peer Reviews of Currency Conversion Test Procedure

• Perform peer reviews of two classmates’ Currency Conversion Test Procedures, which your instructor will place in your Individual forum on Day 1.
•Complete the Appendix K form for each of the peer reviews.
•Post the completed Appendix K forms in your Individual forum as an attachment

If the answer to the item question is yes, put an X next to that item under the Yes column. If the answer is no, please add details next to that item under the respective Comments column.


Is the problem description clear, concise, and accurate?

Are the inputs to the program identified?

Are the outputs to the program identified?

Does the test input result in the expected output?


Display Menu Test Cases

Test Case 1: Valid Menu Selection = Canadian Dollars
Inputs: menu Selection = 1
Expected Outputs:
“Do you want to continue with the conversion, Y =Yes, N = No”
Currency Type = 1

Test Case 2: Valid Menu Selection = Quit
Inputs: Menu Selection = 2
Expected Outputs:
“Do you want to quit with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No”
Currency Type = 2

Test Case 3: Invalid Menu Selection = 9
Inputs: Menu Selection = 9
Expected Output:
“Invalid Menu Selection”
Currency Type = 3

Get Int. Value Test

Test Case 1: Valid International Value = 100.0
Inputs: 100.0
Expected Outputs:
International Value = 100.0

Test Case 2: valid International Value = 0.0
Inputs: 0.0
Expected Outputs:
International Value = 0.0

Test Case 3: Invalid International Value = -15
Inputs: -15
Expected Outputs:
International Value = Invalid

Test Case 4: Illegal International Value = character input
Inputs: A
Expected Outputs:
International Value = Illegal

Convert Currency Test

Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S. Value = 99.39

Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S. Value = 8.20
Test Case 3: Valid International Currency = English
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S. Value = 133.84
Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S. Value = 1.07
Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S. Value = 133.84
Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6
Currency Type = 6
Expected Output:
“Invalid Entry: Try Again, Y = Yes, N = No”

Display Results Test Cases

Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 99.39
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Canadian dollars is 99.39 U.S. dollars
Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 8.20
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Mexican dollars is 8.20 U.S. dollars
Test Case 3: Valid International Currency = English
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 133.84
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 English dollars is 133.84 U.S. dollars
Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 1.07
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Japanese dollars is 1.07 U.S. dollars
Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 133.84
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 French dollars is 133.84 U.S. dollars
Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6
Currency Type = 6
Expected Output:
“Invalid Entry: Try Again, Y = Yes, N = No”

Currency Conversion Integration Test

Test Case 1: Valid Selection = Canadian
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 100.0
U.S. Value = 99.39
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Canadian dollars is 99.39 U.S. dollars

Test Case 2: Valid Selection = Quit
Menu Selection = 2
Expected Output:
“Do you want to quit with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No”
Currency Type = 2
Test Case 3: Illegal Currency Amount
Currency Type = 1
Int. Value = 10.0
U.S. Value = 20.76
Expected Output:
“Invalid Entry: Try Again, Y= Yes, N = No”


Assignment: Currency Conversion Test Procedure

Display Menu Test Cases

Test Case 1: Valid Menu Selection = Canadian Dollars

Inputs: Menu Selection = 1
Expected Outputs:
“Do you want to continue with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No”
Currency_Type = 1
Test Case 2: Valid Menu Selection = Quit

Inputs: Menu Selection = 6
Expected Output
“Do you want to quit the currency conversion, Y = Yes, N = No” Currency_Type = 6
Test Case 3: Invalid Menu Selection = 9

Inputs: Menu Selection = 9
Expected Outputs:
“Error 4: Invalid menu selection”
“Please re-enter selection”
Currency_Type = 9

Get_Int_Value Test

Test Case 1: Valid International Value = 100.0
Inputs: 100.0
Expected Outputs: International Value = 100.0

Test Case 2: Valid International Value = 0.0

Inputs: 0.0
Expected Outputs: International Value = 0.0

Test Case 3: Invalid International value = -15
Inputs: -15
Expected Outputs: Error 1: Invalid input--Negative Number

Test Case 4: Illegal International value = character input
Inputs: C
Expected Outputs: Error 2: Invalid input -- Character

Convert Currency Test

Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian
Currency_Type = 1
Int_Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = 68.12
Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican

Currency_Type = 2
Int_Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = 10.52

Test Case 3: Valid International Currency = English

Currency_Type = 3
Int_Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = 270.05
Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese

Currency_Type = 4
Int_Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = 0.953

Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French

Currency_Type = 5
Int_Value = 100.0
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = 15.98

Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6
Currency_Type = 6
Int_Value = null?
Expected Output:
U.S._Value = null

Display Results Test Cases

Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian
Currency_Type = 1
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 68.12
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Canadian dollars is 68.12 U.S. dollars
Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican

Currency_Type = 2
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 10.52
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Mexican pesos is 10.52 U.S. dollars

Test Case3: Valid International Currency = English

Currency_Type = 3
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 270.06
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 English pound is 270.06 U.S. dollars

Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese

Currency_Type = 4
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 0.95
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 Japanese yen is 0.95 U.S. dollars

Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French

Currency_Type = 5
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 15.98
Expected Output:
The value of 100.0 French francs is 15.98 U.S. dollars

Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6

Currency_Type = 6
Int_Value = null
U.S._Value = null
Expected Output:
The international and U.S. value is null
Currency Conversion Integration Test

Test Case 1: Valid Selection = Canadian
Currency_Type = 1
Int_Value = 100.0
U.S._Value = 68.12
Expected Output
The value of 100.0 Canadian dollars is 68.12 U.S. dollars
Test Case 2: Valid Selection = Quit

Currency_Type = 6
Int_Value = null
U.S._Value = null
Expected Output
“Quitting Currency Conversion”

Test Case 3: Illegal Currency Amount

Currency_Type = 9
Int_Value = null
U.S._Value = null
Expected Output
Error 6: Illegal currency amount
Quit or re-enter your selection

For each peer review, we will evaluate the Currency Conversion Test Procedure based on the following criteria:

1) Is the problem description clear, concise, and accurate?
2) Are the inputs to the program identified?
3) Are the outputs to the program identified?
4) Does the test input result in the expected output?

We will go through both peer reviews step by step:

Peer Review 1:
1) The problem description is not provided in the peer review.
2) The inputs to the program are identified for each test case.
3) The outputs to the program are identified for each test case.
4) The test input seems to result in the expected output based on the listings provided.

Peer Review 2:
1) The problem description is not provided in the peer review.
2) The inputs to the program are identified for each test case.
3) The outputs to the program are identified for each test case.
4) The test input seems to result in the expected output based on the listings provided.

Overall, the peer reviews contain the necessary information for evaluating the Currency Conversion Test Procedure. However, the problem description is missing in both reviews. It would be beneficial to include a clear and concise problem description to provide context for the test cases.

To complete the peer reviews of the Currency Conversion Test Procedures, follow these steps:

1. Read the problem description: Read the problem description provided in the test procedure. Ensure that it is clear, concise, and accurate. If it meets these criteria, put an "X" in the "Yes" column under the "Is the problem description clear, concise, and accurate?" question in Appendix C. If it is not clear, concise, or accurate, add details to the "Comments" column.

2. Identify inputs: For each test case, identify the inputs that are required to run the program. These inputs may include menu selections, international values, and currency types. Make sure that all the inputs are clearly identified in the test procedure. If they are, put an "X" in the "Yes" column under the "Are the inputs to the program identified?" question in Appendix C.

3. Identify outputs: Similarly, identify the expected outputs for each test case. These outputs may include messages, currency conversions, or error messages. Ensure that all the outputs are clearly identified in the test procedure. If they are, put an "X" in the "Yes" column under the "Are the outputs to the program identified?" question in Appendix C.

4. Test the input and check the output: For each test case, run the program with the specified inputs and check if the actual output matches the expected output. If it does, put an "X" in the "Yes" column under the "Does the test input result in the expected output?" question in Appendix C. If the output does not match the expected output, add details to the "Comments" column.

5. Complete the Appendix K form: After reviewing each test case, complete the Appendix K form for that particular peer review. Specify the test case number, provide a summary of the review findings, and include any recommendations or comments. Repeat this process for each peer review.

6. Post the completed Appendix K forms: Once you have completed the necessary peer reviews and filled out the Appendix K forms, post the completed forms in your individual forum as attachments. Make sure that all the forms are clearly labeled and organized.

By following these steps, you will be able to successfully complete the peer reviews of the Currency Conversion Test Procedures and provide feedback on the clarity, correctness, and accuracy of the test procedures.