true(t) or false (f)

1)f reading is not a real hobby
2)f an activity that is done outdoors is not a hobby
3)t photography is a popular hobby
4)t building a cabnint can be part of a hobby
5)f cooking is never considered recreation
6)t model building is very educational
7)f hobbies are never profitable

thank you for your time!

I agree on all but 1,2.

I garden as a hobby. I have a friend who paints landscapes as a hobby. I have two friends who jog as a hobby.

reading can be an avocation. Have you ever been in a Northern winter?

i am sorry but what does avocation mean?

1) False - To determine the truth of this statement, we need to understand what a hobby is. A hobby is defined as an activity that a person does for pleasure and enjoyment during their leisure time. Reading is most certainly a real hobby for many people, as it provides entertainment, knowledge, and relaxation.

2) False - Again, we need to understand what a hobby is. An activity done outdoors can definitely be a hobby. Examples include hiking, gardening, bird watching, and many others. It all depends on the individual's interests and preferences.

3) True - To verify the popularity of photography as a hobby, we can explore different sources of information. We can look at statistics on the number of people engaging in photography, the number of photography clubs and communities, the availability of photography classes and workshops, and the vast amount of photography-related content available online. All these factors indicate that photography is indeed a popular hobby.

4) True - Building a cabinet can certainly be part of a hobby, particularly if the person derives enjoyment and satisfaction from the process. Many people enjoy woodworking and carpentry as a hobby and building furniture, including cabinets, can be a rewarding activity.

5) False - Cooking can definitely be considered recreation. Many people find cooking to be a creative outlet and a means of relaxation. Trying out new recipes, experimenting with flavors, and sharing meals with friends and family are all recreational aspects of cooking.

6) True - Model building can be educational in many ways. It allows individuals to practice their attention to detail, patience, and problem-solving skills. Building models often involves understanding principles of engineering, design, and craftsmanship, which can provide valuable educational experiences.

7) False - While some hobbies may not be directly profitable, it is possible for hobbies to generate income. For example, individuals may sell handmade crafts, photography prints, or written works derived from their hobbies. Some people also turn their hobbies into full-time careers. While the primary purpose of a hobby is personal enjoyment, it does not mean it cannot be profitable.