Need help with an analogy.

brother : mother
fly : _ _ _ _

What are your choices?

swim pool jog

I'm having trouble with this one too.

To find the missing analogy in the pattern, we can first analyze the relationship between "brother" and "mother." In this analogy, "brother" is a family relationship word, while "mother" is also a family relationship word, but in a different context. Typically, a brother is someone's male sibling, and a mother is someone's female parent. The commonality here is that both words are related to family relationships, but they represent different roles within the family.

Now, let's apply this same reasoning to the analogy "fly : _ _ _ _." In this case, "fly" is an insect that can move through the air. So, we need to find a word that is related to flying, but in a different context.

There are a few possibilities for words that can be associated with "fly" in an alternative context. Some options include:

1. "Pilot": Just as a fly moves through the air, a pilot operates an aircraft and "flies" it.
2. "Toss": This word can be associated with "fly" because when an object is tossed, it moves through the air for a short distance.
3. "Airport": An airport can be associated with "fly" because it is where airplanes take off and land, also known as the act of flying.

Ultimately, the correct analogy may vary depending on the desired context and intended relationship.