resources, materials, and translation services for families whose home language is other than English. Provide the agency name and contact information.

You should check your local schools or social services office.

the name and contact information (phone number,web site, etc) of translation

service for families whose home language is other than English, as well as service that provides American Sign Language translation.

To find resources, materials, and translation services for families whose home language is other than English, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an online search using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
2. Use keywords such as "resources for families with non-English speaking home language" or "translation services for immigrant families" to narrow down your search.
3. Explore websites of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or community centers that serve immigrant or non-English speaking populations. These organizations often offer resources and services to support families.
4. Look for agencies that specifically focus on language access or immigrant support services. They are more likely to provide the resources and translation services you need.
5. Check the agency's website for contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, or online forms to request assistance.
6. Additionally, consider reaching out to local schools, community centers, or libraries as they may have information or connections to relevant resources.

Please note that since the availability of resources and services varies depending on your location, it is essential to specify your country, state, or city while conducting your search. This will help you find organizations that are local and can provide the specific support you require.