Create A 7- To 10-Slide Powerpoint® Presentation That Describes Environmental Benefits And Challenges Of Urbanization. In Your Own Words, Include Descriptions Of Two 1996 Award Winners, Discussing How They Overcame One Of The Challenges Mentioned In Your Presentation.".

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To create a PowerPoint® presentation that describes the environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization, along with discussing the accomplishments of two award winners, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by researching the environmental benefits of urbanization. Look for information on how urban areas can promote sustainable development, improve transportation efficiency, reduce pollution, or protect natural resources. Make sure to keep track of the sources to properly cite them later.

Step 2: Identify the challenges associated with urbanization. These could include issues like increased traffic congestion, air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, or insufficient waste management. Choose a few challenges that you find most relevant and impactful.

Step 3: Organize your presentation by creating an outline. Establish a logical flow, ensuring that each slide covers a different aspect of the topic. For example, you can start with an introduction slide, then dedicate individual slides to the environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization, followed by the two award winners. Remember to keep the presentation concise and focused.

Step 4: Create your PowerPoint slides. Each slide should contain key points, visuals, and brief explanations. Use simple and clear language to communicate your message effectively. Include relevant images, graphs, or charts to enhance understanding.

Step 5: Dedicate a separate slide to each of the two award winners. Describe who they are, the specific award they received, and how they overcame one of the challenges mentioned earlier in your presentation. Explain the strategies, initiatives, or solutions they implemented and highlight their success in addressing the challenge.

Step 6: Revise and edit your presentation. Check for any grammatical errors, ensure the flow is smooth, and make sure your content is visually appealing. If necessary, make adjustments to improve the overall coherence and clarity.

Step 7: Practice presenting your slides. Rehearse your presentation to become familiar with the content and timing. Consider recording yourself to review and make improvements if needed.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation that describes the environmental benefits and challenges of urbanization, while also discussing the accomplishments of two 1996 award winners and how they overcame one of the challenges mentioned in your presentation.