compare the # of empty spaces in the outer shell of the non-metals with the ion charges. whats the relationship?

I don't get this question, can someone please explain. What empty spaces is it referring to ?

I just answered that in my long answer to your last question. The empty spaces are the "holes" that the last shell has that hasn't been filled with electrons yet. Oxygen has six electrons in its outer shell so it has two empty holes in its outer shell. Therefore, its charge is plus 2.

Oh, thank you for explaining that to me:-)

Excuse me but if oxygen GAINS two electrons, its charge will be -2 (if zero initially).

The question is asking about the number of empty spaces, also known as valence electrons, in the outer shell of non-metal elements and how it relates to their ion charges.

In chemistry, the outer shell of an atom is called the valence shell, and it determines an atom's chemical properties. Valence electrons are the electrons present in the outermost energy level of an atom.

Non-metals tend to have a higher number of empty spaces in their outer shell compared to metals because they are closer to attaining a stable electron configuration. This is because non-metals generally have higher electronegativity values, meaning they have a strong tendency to gain or share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

When non-metals form ions, they typically gain or share electrons to attain a complete valence shell. By doing so, they become negatively charged ions (anions) because they have taken in extra electrons. The negative charge indicates that they have more electrons than protons, resulting in a net negative charge. For example, chlorine (Cl), a non-metal, gains one electron to become a chloride ion (Cl-).

So, in summary, non-metals tend to have a higher number of empty spaces in their outer shell compared to metals because they have a greater tendency to gain or share electrons. The ion charges of non-metals are typically negative because they gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.