Hi thanks for the help?

Which are the correct indirect pronouns for the following: me te le nos les

1. El camarero va a traer ____ la cuenta a mi papa

2. A mi hermana Elena _____ encanta el flan

3. a mi ____ gustan las papitas

4. A ti ___ gusta el jamon

This site will help you. Repost with your answers and we will see if you are correct.


¡Hola! GuruBlue gave you a wonderful site about Indirect Object Pronouns. The only thing not clearly stated is that the following words will either be stated or clearly understood in identifying an Indirect-Object Pronoun:

to, for, at, from

Me dio el libro. He gave me the book. (Here it's more difficult perhaps to identify the IDO. This restated statement makes it FAR easier: He gave the book TO me.

When you ask WHO gave the book = subject
WHAT did he give = Direct Object
TO WHOM did he give = Indirect Object Pronoun.

*Also on this site, note the blue lines below. You can also go to the Review of Direct Object Pronouns and then Indirect and Direct used together!


You're welcome! I'm here to help. Let's go through each sentence and fill in the correct indirect pronouns.

1. In the sentence "El camarero va a traer ____ la cuenta a mi papá," the correct indirect pronoun is "le." So, the sentence would be: "El camarero va a traerle la cuenta a mi papá."

To explain how to get to the answer, you need to identify the recipient of the action (in this case, the person to whom the waiter is going to bring the bill). Here, the recipient is "mi papá," which translates to "my father." Since "mi papá" is a singular indirect object, the corresponding indirect pronoun is "le."

2. In the sentence "A mi hermana Elena ____ encanta el flan," the correct indirect pronoun is "le." So, the sentence would be: "A mi hermana Elena le encanta el flan."

Again, you need to identify the recipient of the action. Here, the recipient is "mi hermana Elena," which translates to "my sister Elena." "Mi hermana Elena" is a singular indirect object, so the corresponding indirect pronoun is "le."

3. In the sentence "A mi ____ gustan las papitas," the correct indirect pronoun is "me." So, the sentence would be: "A mí me gustan las papitas."

This time, the recipient of the action is not explicitly mentioned, but we can assume it to be the speaker themselves. In Spanish, when the recipient is the speaker, the appropriate indirect pronoun is "me."

4. In the sentence "A ti ____ gusta el jamón," the correct indirect pronoun is "te." So, the sentence would be: "A ti te gusta el jamón."

Once again, the recipient of the action is not explicitly mentioned, but we can assume it to be the person being addressed. In Spanish, when the recipient is the person being addressed, the appropriate indirect pronoun is "te."

So, to recap:

1. El camarero va a traerle la cuenta a mi papá.
2. A mi hermana Elena le encanta el flan.
3. A mí me gustan las papitas.
4. A ti te gusta el jamón.

By identifying the recipient of the action and understanding the corresponding indirect pronouns, you can determine the correct answers. Let me know if you have any further questions!