What major cities are located on the Gulf Coast?

Check this map.


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To find out which major cities are located on the Gulf Coast, you can start by referring to a map or using an online mapping service. The Gulf Coast refers to the coastline along the Gulf of Mexico, which spans several US states and countries.

Here are some of the major cities located along the Gulf Coast in the United States:

1. Houston, Texas
2. New Orleans, Louisiana
3. Tampa, Florida
4. Mobile, Alabama
5. Corpus Christi, Texas
6. St. Petersburg, Florida
7. Galveston, Texas
8. Biloxi, Mississippi
9. Pensacola, Florida
10. Sarasota, Florida

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, as there are many more cities and towns along the Gulf Coast. Additionally, there are other major cities located along the Gulf Coast in countries such as Mexico and Cuba.