A large pizza from Papa's Pizzeria has a diameter of 18 inches. If each large pizza is cut into 10 equal slices, what is the approximate area of 3 slices of pizza in square inches?

first you would have to find out how to cut 18 inches into 10 equal slices then multiply that by 3 I think


Still the same guy, just explaining why: 9 is the radius of the pizza (diameter/2). Area of a circle is pii*r^2. Pizza was divided into 10 slices so 1 slice is 1/10 of the total area, thereby 3/10 is the area of 3 slices from the whole pizza. This is like 7th grade stuff tho tbh.

take 360 divided by how many slices it was cut into for the arc of each. divide 360 by that number, multiply it by pi, than multiply it by the radius. that'll give you the area of one slice, so all you have to do now is multiply the area of one slice by 3 for all 3 slices.

so if im right the answer's 847.8 sq. inches

To find the approximate area of 3 slices of pizza, we first need to find the area of one slice.

The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius. In this case, the diameter of the pizza is given, so we can find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2.

Radius = Diameter / 2 = 18 inches / 2 = 9 inches

Now that we have the radius, we can find the area of one slice. Since the slices are equally cut, they will have the same angle at the center of the pizza. Therefore, each slice will have 1/10th of the circumference of the whole pizza.

Circumference = 2πr = 2 * 3.14 * 9 inches ≈ 56.52 inches

One slice will have an area of 1/10th of the total area of the pizza. Since the area of a slice is proportional to the angle at the center of the pizza, the area of one slice will be 1/10th of the total area.

Total Area = πr^2 = 3.14 * 9^2 square inches ≈ 254.34 square inches

Area of one Slice = Total Area / 10 = 254.34 square inches / 10 = 25.43 square inches

Finally, to find the approximate area of 3 slices of pizza, we multiply the area of one slice by 3.

Approximate Area of 3 Slices = Area of one Slice * 3 = 25.43 square inches * 3 = 76.29 square inches

Therefore, the approximate area of 3 slices of pizza is 76.29 square inches.