What states would you pass through if you wanted to travel by car from Texas to California using the shortest route?


Use the link called United States On-Line Interactive Map. There are other maps here that will help you with all your questions.

You should also learn to use http://www.google.com for research.


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To travel by car from Texas to California using the shortest route, you would typically pass through the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and finally, California. These are the states directly between Texas and California when taking the most direct path.

If you want to visually see the route on a map, you can use the link provided (http://www.yourchildlearns.com/geography.htm) and select the "United States On-Line Interactive Map." This interactive map will allow you to explore the different states and their locations.

Additionally, as suggested, you can use Google or any other search engine to find the answer to this type of question. By searching "shortest route from Texas to California," you can easily find maps, directions, and distance estimations for different routes.