Why am I unable to post you my questions?

You probably have to add some spaces between sentences. Usually there is one word among the others which doesn't let you post

If you are still having troubles, then try posting once sentence at a time.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble posting your questions. There could be several reasons why you are unable to do so. Here are a few possible explanations and steps you can take to resolve the issue:

1. Technical issues: Check your internet connection to ensure that you are connected properly. If you are experiencing slow or intermittent internet, it may hinder your ability to post questions. You could try refreshing the page or using a different device or browser to see if that resolves the problem.

2. Account-related issues: If you are using a platform or service that requires an account to post questions, make sure that you have created an account and are logged in. Verify that your account is active and not suspended or restricted in any way.

3. Platform-specific restrictions: Some platforms may have specific rules or restrictions regarding posting questions. Review the guidelines or terms of service for the platform to ensure that you are following any necessary rules. If you have violated any guidelines, it may result in your inability to post questions.

4. Reach out to support: If you have tried the above steps and are still unable to post questions, it might be helpful to contact the technical support team or customer service of the platform you are using. They should be able to assist you further and troubleshoot any issues you might be experiencing.

Please note that without specific details about the platform or service you are trying to use, it is difficult to provide more specific troubleshooting steps.