
di=145, do=38,hi=-97
formula: hi/ho=-di/do
how do i rearrange this?? i do not want the answer. need help rearranging equation please help!!

Do you want Ho?

multipy both sides by ho*do

divide both sides by di

To rearrange the formula hi/ho = -di/do, you can use algebraic operations to isolate the variable you want to solve for. In this case, let's assume you want to solve for ho.

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by ho to remove the denominator:

ho * (hi/ho) = ho * (-di/do)

Step 2: Simplify:

hi = (-di * ho) / do

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by do to eliminate the denominator:

do * hi = -di * ho

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by -di:

(do * hi) / -di = ho

Now, you have rearranged the equation to solve for ho. Remember, this is the general procedure for rearranging equations. Plug in the values for hi, di, and do to get the numerical solution.