would you consider an animal, like lion on top of the food chain, or the very bottom?

on the top...

In terms of the food chain, a lion would be considered closer to the top rather than the bottom. The food chain represents the hierarchy of organisms based on their feeding relationships. At the top of the food chain, you have apex predators like lions that have no natural predators and are generally at the highest level of the pyramid.

To determine the lion's position in the food chain, we can look at its prey and the organisms that prey on it. Lions primarily eat herbivores like zebras, wildebeests, and other hoofed animals. These herbivores, in turn, feed on plants, such as grass and leaves. Therefore, you can depict the food chain as follows:

Lion (Apex Predator)

Zebra (Prey for lions)

Grass (Primary food source for zebras)

As you can see, the lion is positioned above the zebra and grass in the food chain, making it a top-level consumer.