Suppose at a concert a singers voice is radio broadcast all the way around the world before reaching the radio you hold to your ear . How long does this take . __ seconds

I don't understand thisss ! Help me !

Radius of earth = about 6.4*10^6 meters

circumference = 2 pi r
time = distance/speed = 2 pi r/343

agrrrh, used sound in air not light

2 pi r / (3*10^8)

To calculate the time it takes for the singer's voice to travel all the way around the world, we need to consider the distance and the speed of sound.

First, let's assume that the singer's voice travels at the speed of sound, which is approximately 343 meters per second.

Next, we need to determine the total distance the sound waves would have to travel to complete a full loop around the Earth. The Earth's circumference is about 40,075 kilometers or 40,075,000 meters.

To find the time it takes for sound to travel this distance, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Let's plug in the values:

Time = 40,075,000 meters / 343 meters per second

Using a calculator, the answer is approximately 116,928 seconds.