In my essay:

How do I distinguish my ideas from paraphrasing (with appropriate citation at end of paraphrase)so that the entire paragraph does not look like a paraphrase?

You could say --

As Smith says . . . (paraphrase)

Another view indicates . . . (your ideas)

Thank you. If I do not include these prefaces will this bring my mark down?

I don't know.

But, I agree, that you should find a way to distinguish between one author's ideas and your ideas.

i think that ms sue is corret and that was what i was going to say and it matters what this might be for

To distinguish your ideas from paraphrasing in your essay, you can use a combination of techniques:

1. Introduce your own perspective: Before paraphrasing, provide a clear and concise statement that presents your unique viewpoint or interpretation of the topic. This helps to establish your original ideas before presenting the paraphrased material.

2. Use quotation marks: When directly quoting an author or source, enclose the exact words within quotation marks. This clearly signals to the reader that the words are not your own and are being attributed to the original source.

3. Paraphrase effectively: Paraphrasing involves rewording someone else's ideas in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. To effectively paraphrase, read and understand the original text, then express it using different sentence structures, vocabulary, and overall phrasing. Be cautious not to copy too closely or rely heavily on the original sentence structure.

4. Incorporate proper citations: At the end of each paraphrased section or paragraph, use appropriate citation to attribute the ideas to their original source. This demonstrates academic integrity and gives credit to the author while distinguishing your own ideas.

5. Provide analysis and commentary: After presenting paraphrased information, offer your own analysis, evaluation, or interpretation of the ideas. This can include explaining the significance, drawing connections to other concepts, or providing examples that support or challenge the original source's viewpoint. By adding your own analysis, you go beyond mere paraphrasing and showcase your unique perspective.

By following these steps and structuring your essay effectively, you can clearly separate your ideas from paraphrased material and ensure that your essay does not look like a mere paraphrase.