What are some examples of being civilized?

Being civilized can run a whole spectrum.

Sometimes teens do not act civilized -- especially boys who burp out loud, keep their rooms a mess, and generally flaunt rules of polite society.

On the other hand, we could argue that the Nazis were not civilized, despite their love of classical music. It's hard to see some of the terrorists and African thugs as civilized.

Each generation and group of people have their own definitions of "civilized." For me, I don't know of any truly uncivilized peoples.

You see if you can think of examples of being "civilized". I will be happy to comment. I do not agree with MsSuem,however, I think there are a number of examples in today's society of uncivilized behavior.

Being civilized refers to possessing and demonstrating good manners, social awareness, and a respectful attitude towards others. Here are some examples of behaviors that are commonly associated with being civilized:

1. Showing respect: Being polite and considerate towards others, regardless of their background or beliefs. This includes using appropriate language, listening attentively, and refraining from interrupting or talking over others.

2. Practicing good hygiene: Maintaining personal cleanliness and grooming habits, such as regular bathing, brushing teeth, and dressing appropriately for different situations.

3. Being punctual: Arriving on time for appointments, meetings, or social gatherings, displaying consideration for other people's time and commitments.

4. Respecting personal space: Being mindful of other people's personal boundaries and not intruding upon them without permission. This includes avoiding intrusive physical contact and respecting others' privacy.

5. Displaying empathy: Recognizing and understanding the feelings and perspectives of others, and responding with kindness and compassion. This involves actively listening, offering support, and being considerate of others' emotions.

To determine further examples of civilized behavior, one can refer to social norms, etiquette guides, and cultural practices specific to a particular region or community. Some examples of resources to enhance your understanding of civilized behavior include books on etiquette, online articles, cultural sensitivity trainings, or observing and learning from other individuals who demonstrate respectful behavior.