What impact did Martin Luther and John Calvin have upon the perceptions and events of the Old World?

To understand the impact of Martin Luther and John Calvin on the perceptions and events of the Old World, we need to study the historical context of the Protestant Reformation and the religious, political, and social changes it brought about.

1. The Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther, a German monk and theologian, initiated the Protestant Reformation in 1517. Luther's Ninety-Five Theses challenged the practices and teachings of the Catholic Church, particularly the sale of indulgences. This led to a split in the Church and the rise of Protestantism.

2. Impact on Religion: Luther and Calvin played a significant role in shaping religious perceptions and practices in Europe. Luther emphasized the concept of salvation through faith alone, rejecting the Catholic belief in good works. Calvin, a French theologian, built upon Luther's ideas and developed the doctrine of predestination, which stated that God has already chosen those who will be saved.

3. Spread of Protestantism: Luther's ideas spread rapidly with the invention of the printing press, which allowed for the mass production of religious texts. Calvin's teachings, centered in Geneva, Switzerland, also gained popularity in many European countries. The Protestant movement challenged the religious authority of the Catholic Church and led to the establishment of various Protestant denominations throughout Europe.

4. Political and Social Impact: The Protestant Reformation had far-reaching consequences beyond religion. The movement challenged the political power of the Catholic Church and its close ties with monarchies. In several regions, religious conflicts erupted, leading to wars and reshaping the political landscape. The Reformation also had socio-economic effects, as Protestantism encouraged individualism, literacy, and a work ethic, shaping the development of capitalism.

5. Counter-Reformation: In response to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation, aiming to reform itself and regain followers. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) made significant changes, addressing some of the concerns raised by the Protestants. This period also witnessed the establishment of new religious orders like the Jesuits.

In summary, Martin Luther and John Calvin had a profound impact on the perceptions and events of the Old World. They transformed religious beliefs, challenged the authority of the Catholic Church, sparked political and social changes, and contributed to the religious conflicts of the time. It is crucial to study their ideas, writings, and the historical context to grasp the full extent of their influence.