On the issue of segregation, compare the views of Martin Luther King Jr. to those of Malcolm X.

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To compare the views of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X on the issue of segregation, we first need to understand their perspectives on this topic. King and Malcolm X were both prominent leaders in the Civil Rights Movement, but they had different approaches and philosophies.

Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protest and nonviolent resistance. He advocated for equality and integration, striving to achieve racial harmony through love, peaceful demonstrations, and civil disobedience. King emphasized the importance of nonviolent protest as a means to bring about change and believed in the power of love to overcome hate. He believed in building bridges between different racial groups and breaking down the barriers of segregation through peaceful means.

On the other hand, Malcolm X had a more militant and separatist approach. He believed in the inherent black identity and the need for self-defense and self-determination. Malcolm X criticized the nonviolent approach advocated by King and argued for black nationalism and separatism. He asserted that African Americans should have their own independent communities and institutions rather than integrating into a predominantly white society. Malcolm X believed that black people should fight for their rights and freedom by any means necessary, which included self-defense if necessary.

To delve deeper into their views, I suggest reading speeches, interviews, and writings by both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Familiarize yourself with their different strategies, philosophies, and objectives. Pay attention to their rhetoric, desired outcomes, and how they approached the issue of segregation in society. By examining primary sources and analyzing their words, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their views and the nuances in their approaches.