a sale at carney's electronic offers a specific model of sony radio at 20% off the reg price. if the sale price is 45 what is the reg price?

would the answer be 54?

Let's check your answer >>

54 * 0.8 = 43.2

Hmm -- that's close but not the right answer.

Solve the problem this way:

0.8x = 45
x = 45/0.8
x = ?


To find the regular price of the Sony radio, we need to divide the sale price by (1 - discount percentage).

The discount percentage is 20%, which can be converted to decimal form by dividing it by 100: 20/100 = 0.2.

Now, subtract the discount percentage from 1 to get the decimal representation of the remaining amount (100% - 20%): 1 - 0.2 = 0.8.

Next, divide the sale price by the remaining amount to get the regular price: 45 / 0.8 = 56.25.

Therefore, the regular price of the Sony radio is $56.25, not $54.