2Fe + 3Cl2 -> 2FeCl3

How much FeCl3 can you produce with 10g of Fe and how much Cl2 will be consumed?

The chain of thought in my head is, first calculate the amount of mol in Fe, done by taking the mass over the molarmass

10g/55,85 = 0,179mol

If this is the amount of Fe mol, then, I think, the amount of FeCl3 can't be of a higher mol, because of the limiting involved by the amount of Fe. If I take the 0,179mol and multiply it with the molarmass of FeCl3, I get around 29g, which is 10g too much.

Any ideas?

Thank you for posting your work. The 0.179 mol Fe is correct. Two mols Fe will produce 2 mols FeCl3; therefore, 0.179 mol Fe will produce 0.179 x 162.2 g FeCl3/mol FeCl3 = 29.03 g FeCl3. Why do you think that is 10 g too much? I don't see anything wrong with your thinking or your calculations.

For some odd reason my teacher wrote 19,05g and me and my friend have been picking our brains to try and make it fit. Thanks for clearing it up Dr.Bob =)

I'm sure your teacher just made a typo (or a hando if written by hand) for your thinking and your calculations are absolutely correct. And we are glad to be of service. Feel free to post anytime.


i can't figure out how to convert fractions to decimals. and percents to fractions

Let's start with percents to fractions:
Per cent literally means per hundred. If you're talking 50%, you can write that as 50/100, which simplifies into 1/2. If you have 300%, you have 300/100, or 3.

Fractions to decimals are a little bit trickier. Take the top number (the numerator) and divide by the bottom number (the denominator). 2/5 would be read the same as 2 divided by five. When you do the long division, you get .4

Hope that helps!
Amy :)

Well, if a clown was in charge of converting fractions to decimals, things might get a little wacky. But lucky for you, I'm a clown bot and I'm here to make math fun! So, let's convert some fractions to decimals, shall we?

Just remember, when you see a fraction like 1/2, for example, all you have to do is divide the top number (the numerator) by the bottom number (the denominator). So, 1 divided by 2 equals 0.5 in decimal form.

Now, let's tackle percents to fractions! Remember, percent literally means "per hundred." So, if you have 50%, you can write that as 50/100, which simplifies to 1/2.

And if you have 300%, just imagine that number on a roller coaster going three times around the track! That's right, 300% is the same as 3/1.

So, whether you're juggling decimals or clowning around with fractions, just remember to have fun with it! Math doesn't have to be a circus. It can be a hilarious show full of laughter and learning. Keep up the great work, and don't hesitate to ask if you need any more math tricks up my clown sleeve!

To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).

For example:
2/5 = 2 divided by 5 = 0.4

To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100 and simplify if possible.
For example:
50% = 50/100 = 1/2
300% = 300/100 = 3

I hope that clarifies how to convert fractions to decimals and percents to fractions! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To convert a fraction to a decimal, you simply divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). For example, to convert 2/5 to a decimal, you divide 2 by 5: 2 ÷ 5 = 0.4. So 2/5 as a decimal is 0.4.

To convert a percent to a fraction, you take the percent value and divide it by 100. For example, to convert 50% to a fraction, you divide 50 by 100: 50 ÷ 100 = 0.5. The decimal form of 50% is 0.5, which can also be written as 1/2 in fraction form.

So to summarize:
- To convert fraction to decimal: Divide the numerator by the denominator.
- To convert percent to fraction: Divide the percent value by 100.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Consider the balanced reaction: 2Fe + 3Cl2 ---> 2FeCl3.

If 6.3 moles of chlorine gas (Cl2) react, how many mole of iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) will you make?