

Thank you

0.3 + 4 + 9 ≤ 1.1x

1.1x ≥ 13.3
x ≥ 12.09

Was there a typo?
Was there supposed to be an x term on the left side?

was supposed to be an x after the 0.3 sorry

I thought so, .....


-0.8x ≤ -13
x ≥ 16.25

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable, 'x'. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by adding 9 to both sides of the inequality to eliminate the negative term:
0.3 + 4 + 9 <= 1.1x - 9 + 9

Simplifying the equation gives:
13.3 <= 1.1x

2. Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 1.1 to solve for 'x':
13.3/1.1 <= (1.1x)/1.1

Simplifying the equation gives:
12.09 <= x

So, the solution to the inequality is: x >= 12.09