Mrs. Luna weighs 125 pounds. Mrs. Ropa weighs 150 pounds. How much to they eavh weigh on the moon?

Check this site to see how to figure that out.

Earth's gravitational constant is ~32.15 ft./sec.^2

The Moon's gravitational constant is ~5.326 ft./sec.^2

Therefore, your weight on the Moon would be W(earth) x 5.326/32.15 = .1656W(earth) or approximately 1/6th your weigh on earth.

To calculate their weight on the moon, we need to apply the concept of gravitational force. The gravitational force on the moon is approximately 1/6th of the gravitational force on Earth.

To find the weight of an object on the moon, we can multiply its weight on Earth by 1/6.

Let's calculate their weights on the moon:

Mrs. Luna's weight on the moon = 125 pounds * 1/6 ≈ 20.83 pounds
Mrs. Ropa's weight on the moon = 150 pounds * 1/6 ≈ 25 pounds

Therefore, Mrs. Luna weighs approximately 20.83 pounds on the moon, and Mrs. Ropa weighs approximately 25 pounds on the moon.