Perform the indicated operation

(x3 + 2X-5) + (3x3 - X2 - 7)

To perform the indicated operation, we need to simplify the expression by combining like terms. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Write down the given expression:
(x^3 + 2x - 5) + (3x^3 - x^2 - 7)

Step 2: Combine the like terms. Look for terms with the same variable and power:
The terms with x^3: x^3 + 3x^3 = 4x^3
The terms with x^2: none in this case
The terms with x: 2x - 0x = 2x
The constant terms: -5 - 7 = -12

Step 3: Put the combined terms together to form the simplified expression:
4x^3 + 2x - 12

Therefore, the simplified expression is 4x^3 + 2x - 12.