Trains A & B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is going 60mph and Train B at 80mph. Train A passes a station at 6:25 am. If Train b passes the same station at 6:37, what time will B catch up with A?

The answer I received is: 7:03am, is that correct?

let the time between 6:37 and the time B catches A be t hours

distance covered by A is (t + 12/60)(60)
distance covered by B is 80t
but they went the same distance, so ...

80t = 60(t + 1/5)
80t = 60t + 12
20t = 12
t = 3/5 hour of 36 minutes

so 36 min after 6:37 is 7:13

Thank you for the help.

To find the time when Train B catches up with Train A, we can use the concept of relative speed. Since both trains are going in the same direction, the relative speed between them is the difference in their speeds, which is 80mph - 60mph = 20mph.

Now, we need to determine the time it takes for Train B to catch up with Train A after Train A passes the station. The time difference between when Train A passes the station and when Train B passes the station is 12 minutes, or 12/60 hours (remember to convert minutes to hours by dividing by 60).

So, the time it takes for Train B to catch up with Train A can be calculated using the formula: time = distance / speed.

The distance that Train B needs to cover to catch up with Train A is the same as the distance that Train A travels during the time difference. The distance, in this case, can be calculated as the speed of Train A multiplied by the time difference: 60mph * (12/60) hours = 12 miles.

Now, we can calculate the time it takes for Train B to catch up with Train A: time = distance / speed = 12 miles / 20mph = 0.6 hours.

To find the exact time, we need to add the catching-up time of 0.6 hours to the time when Train A passed the station.

6:25 am + 0.6 hours = 7:03 am.

So, your answer of 7:03 am is correct. Train B will catch up with Train A at 7:03 am.