What is urban exclusion?

I think it is the spatial restrictions imposed on certain societal groups as a result of urban expansion/development by the better off people.

Am I close?

Yes, you are close. In the United States, urban exclusion usually takes the form of gated residential communities. In other countries, where allowed, it can also include the denial of other amentites and jobs in certain urban areas. Try Googling the phrase for some examples.


Yes, you're on the right track! Urban exclusion refers to the social, economic, and spatial inequalities and marginalization that certain groups experience within urban areas. It often occurs as a consequence of urban development and expansion.

To understand this concept better, let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Start with the definition: Urban exclusion refers to the process of social and economic marginalization that certain groups face within urban areas.

2. Consider the context: Urban exclusion arises in the context of growing cities and urban development.

3. Recognize the key elements: Urban exclusion involves spatial restrictions, social inequalities, and marginalization of specific societal groups.

4. Analyze spatial restrictions: These restrictions can manifest in various ways, such as limited access to affordable housing, basic services, or public spaces. Spatial constraints can also result from zoning policies, gentrification, or the physical segregation of certain areas.

5. Identify societal groups: Urban exclusion affects vulnerable populations, such as low-income communities, racial and ethnic minorities, migrants, and informal settlement dwellers. These groups often face discrimination, limited job opportunities, inadequate healthcare, and substandard education.

6. Consider the role of better-off people: Urban exclusion is often exacerbated by the actions of more affluent individuals or groups who prioritize their own interests and contribute to the exclusion of others through urban development processes that do not consider the needs of marginalized communities.

By considering the various factors and dynamics involved, you can gain a better understanding of urban exclusion and how it impacts different groups within urban areas.