How do I make parenthetical references of a website throughout my research paper?


Parenthetical Documentation

In the MLA format, "parenthetical documentation" is used to briefly identify the sources of information you have borrowed in writing your paper. Parenthetical documentation should be integrated smoothly into the text of your paper, rather than listed separately.

The general rule is to cite the source right in the text of your paper. If the reader wants to get more information, they go to the Works Cited list at the end of your paper.

If the author's name is mentioned in your writing (this is called a "signal phrase"), you only need to put the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. The reader can then consult the list of Works Cited (explained below) at the end of the paper to get the complete citation.

NOTE: Some sources, especially those on the Web, do not give page numbers. The general rule is to use a section number if it is given; otherwise just use the author name or, if no author is given, the first words of the title.

Ross Parke notes that "natural fathers aren't the only ones raising children on their own. As more families split up, social workers note that stepfathers increasingly are being called on to bring up other people's kids" (52).

According to Bernard Farber in Encyclopedia Americana, there is a trend toward waiting to marry and toward postponing the birth of the first child (6).

According to the web site Our Fathers, "Almost 20 percent of fathers ask for child custody after divorce."
You may decide not to highlight the source of some of your derived information. In such cases, at the end of the sentence enclose in parantheses both the author's last name and the page referred to. The reader can then consult the list of Works Cited at the end of the paper to get the complete citation.

At the turn of the century many men worked long hours, which "entailed their absence from the family for most of the day: that was not a rejection of fatherhood but a necessary element of it" (McKee and O'Brien 54).

Child support payments can be withheld from wages in 45 states (Schorr 33).
For publications with no author given, you should include the first 2-3 key words from the title and the page number in parentheses.

"Fathers today no longer know who they are or what their wives and children expect from them" ("Fathers Confused" 5), and this increases the likelihood they will abandon their families.
If possible, you should quote or paraphrase material from the original source, but if you do use material that is within someone else's work, include the abbreviation qtd. in ("quoted in") and then refer to the source where you got the information. Use qtd. in even if it's a paraphrase and not a quote.

Dr. Ann Rudolph contends that fathers who bond with their infant children are more likely to maintain lifelong contact (qtd. in Parke 112).

If you google MLA documentation - you will find this informatin and it should answer your questions.

To make parenthetical references of a website in your research paper, you need to follow a specific format known as the MLA (Modern Language Association) style. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Gather the necessary information: Start by collecting all the information you need for your citation. For a website, you'll typically need the author's name (if available), the title of the webpage or article, the name of the website, the publication date (if available), and the URL.

2. Place the citation within parentheses: Once you have the necessary information, you can place your parenthetical reference within parentheses. Place this citation after the information you are referencing or quoting from the website.

3. Format the citation: Here is the format for creating a parenthetical reference of a website using MLA style:

- If the author's name is available: (Author's Last Name)
- If the author's name is not available: (Title of the Webpage or Article)

Example 1 (with author's name):
According to Smith, the effects of climate change are severe (Smith).

Example 2 (without author's name):
The effects of climate change are severe ("Climate Change Effects").

4. Include the URL: In MLA style, it is common practice to include the URL of the website in the citation. However, due to its length, you might want to use a URL shortener (e.g., Bitly) to shorten the URL and make it more readable. Place the shortened URL at the end of the citation.

Example with URL:
The effects of climate change are severe (Smith). Available at:

Remember to list your full citations in the Works Cited page at the end of your research paper, including all the necessary details of each website you have referenced.

It's important to note that citation styles may vary depending on your instructor's requirements or the specific guidelines of your institution. It's always a good idea to consult the official MLA style guide or check with your instructor for any specific formatting guidelines or preferences.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.