Almost all maps have these four things:

A)scale, legend, title, and compass

B)rock units, legend, symbols, and scales

C)contour lines, scale, legend, and compass

D)rock types, legend, compass, and scale

scale, legend,title, and some form of compass

Almost all maps have these four things

The correct answer is C) contour lines, scale, legend, and compass.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the purpose and components of a typical map.

1) Scale: A scale is essential on a map as it indicates the relationship between distances on the map and the real world. It helps in understanding the actual distance between different locations on the map.

2) Legend: A legend, also known as a key, is a section of the map that explains the symbols, colors, and patterns used to represent different features or objects on the map. It allows users to interpret the information displayed on the map accurately.

3) Contour Lines: Contour lines are curved lines on a map that connect points of equal elevation. They help visualize the shape and relief of the land, enabling users to interpret the topography and understand the heights and depths of different areas.

4) Compass: A compass is another fundamental component of a map. It indicates the cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West), helping users orient themselves and navigate accurately.

Considering the options provided, option C includes all four elements: contour lines, scale, legend, and compass. Therefore, the correct answer is C) contour lines, scale, legend, and compass.