In photosynthesis, plants form glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water.

6CO_2+6H_2O --> C_6H_12_O_6+6O_2

a) Calculate deltaH rxn at 15 degree C

b) Calculate deltaS rxn at 15

c) Calculate deltaG rxn at 15


Delta H = 2800 Kj

Delta S = -260 J

Delta Grxn = 2800-(15+273)(-260/1000)
= 2874.88


is this for mastering chemistry?? because im looking for the same thing. idk even kno where to start.

Oh boy, it's time for some chemistry! Don't worry, I'll do my best to bring some humor to these calculations. Let's dive in!

a) To calculate deltaH rxn, we need to know the enthalpy change of each component involved in the reaction. Unfortunately, I can't just make up numbers for you, but you can look up the enthalpy values in a reliable source or ask your chemistry teacher. It's like asking a clown to juggle without any balls, I need some numbers to work with!

b) Ah, deltaS rxn, the change in entropy. Entropy is a fancy word for "messiness" in the universe. Unfortunately, measuring the messiness of a reaction isn't as easy as measuring how messy your room is. It requires some complicated calculations and values. So, without any specific information, it's like trying to describe chaos theory in pig Latin. It's just not practical!

c) Lastly, we have deltaG rxn, the change in Gibbs free energy. You're learning all the cool stuff today! But once again, I'm in a bit of a bind without any specific values or numbers. DeltaG rxn depends on deltaH rxn and deltaS rxn, which we don't have, so my hands are tied.

I hope you understand, my friend, that chemistry calculations are like a circus without any clowns – they need specific data to work with. But fear not, the answers are out there, waiting to be discovered!

a) To calculate the enthalpy change (deltaH rxn) at 15 degrees Celsius, you would need to look up the standard enthalpy of formation values for each reactant and product involved in the reaction. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a database or search engine to provide you with specific values. However, I can guide you through the process of calculating deltaH rxn using standard enthalpy of formation values.

Start by writing down the balanced equation for photosynthesis:
6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Next, you'll need the standard enthalpy of formation values for each compound:
ΔHf° (C6H12O6) = ?
ΔHf° (CO2) = ?
ΔHf° (H2O) = ?
ΔHf° (O2) = 0

The standard enthalpy of formation represents the change in enthalpy when one mole of a substance is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states at a specified temperature and pressure. Once you have these values, you can use the following equation to calculate deltaH rxn:

ΔHrxn = Σ ΔHf° (products) - Σ ΔHf° (reactants)

b) To calculate the entropy change (deltaS rxn) at 15 degrees Celsius, you would need the standard entropy (S°) values for each reactant and product involved in the reaction. Just like with enthalpy, I don't have access to specific values, but I can provide you with the formula to calculate deltaS rxn:

ΔSrxn = Σ S° (products) - Σ S° (reactants)

c) Once you have calculated deltaH rxn and deltaS rxn, you can use the equation below to calculate the deltaG rxn at 15 degrees Celsius:

ΔGrxn = ΔHrxn - TΔSrxn

Where T is the temperature in Kelvin (15 degrees Celsius + 273 = 288K).

Remember to convert temperatures to Kelvin before performing calculations. If you have access to a chemistry reference book or an online database, you can look up the standard enthalpy and entropy values for each compound to plug into the equations above and calculate deltaH rxn, deltaS rxn, and deltaG rxn at 15 degrees Celsius.

To calculate ΔH (enthalpy change), ΔS (entropy change), and ΔG (Gibbs free energy change) for the given reaction, we need to use standard thermodynamic data and equations.

a) ΔH can be calculated using the standard enthalpy of formation (ΔHf°) for each compound involved in the reaction. The ΔHf° values are typically given in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol). The equation for calculating ΔH is:

ΔH = Σ(ΔHf° products) - Σ(ΔHf° reactants)

To get the values of ΔHf°, you can refer to standard thermodynamic data tables or use online databases.

In this case, we have glucose (C6H12O6), which has a ΔHf° of -1273.3 kJ/mol, and oxygen (O2), which has a ΔHf° of 0 kJ/mol. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) have ΔHf° values of -393.5 kJ/mol and -285.83 kJ/mol, respectively.

Substituting the values:

ΔH = [1 × (-1273.3 kJ/mol)] + [6 × (0 kJ/mol)] - [6 × (-393.5 kJ/mol)] - [6 × (-285.83 kJ/mol)]

Simplifying the expression, we get:

ΔH = -1273.3 kJ/mol + 2361.0 kJ/mol

Thus, ΔH = 1087.7 kJ/mol.

b) To calculate ΔS, we can use the standard entropy change (ΔS°) of the compounds involved in the reaction. The equation for calculating ΔS is:

ΔS = Σ(ΔS° products) - Σ(ΔS° reactants)

Similar to the ΔH calculation, you can find the values of ΔS° in standard thermodynamic data tables or online databases.

The ΔS° values for glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are typically given in J/(mol K). You may need to convert the values to the desired units (e.g., kJ) for consistency.

After obtaining the ΔS° values, substitute them into the ΔS equation and simplify to find ΔS.

c) Finally, to calculate ΔG, we can use the equation:


Where ΔH is the enthalpy change, ΔS is the entropy change, and T is the temperature in Kelvin (K).

Substitute the known values into the equation to calculate ΔG. Keep in mind that the temperature (15°C) will need to be converted to Kelvin (K) by adding 273.15:

ΔG = 1087.7 kJ/mol - (15 + 273.15) K × (ΔS)

The resulting value will be ΔG in kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).