Which is a favorite aim of the Romantic poets that Mary Shelley also had in writing Frankenstein?

* to use the language of everyday life
* to find evidence of the divine in nature
* to depict the ways of the common people
* to evoke intense and vivid feelings

to evoke intense and vivid feelings

3. Which is a favorite aim of the Romantic poets that Mary Shelley also had in writing


To determine which is a favorite aim of the Romantic poets that Mary Shelley also had in writing Frankenstein, we can analyze the themes and characteristics prevalent in the Romantic literary movement.

The Romantic poets, including Mary Shelley, sought to break away from the conventions of their time and explore new forms of expression and emotional depth in their work. Some common aims of the Romantic poets include:

1. To use the language of everyday life: Romantic poets often sought to write in a more accessible, relatable language that reflected the everyday experiences of people. They aimed to move away from the formal, elevated language of previous literary traditions.

2. To find evidence of the divine in nature: Romantic poets celebrated the beauty and power of nature, finding inspiration in its grandeur. They often sought to depict nature as a source of spiritual and emotional connection, seeing it as a reflection of divine presence or a pathway to the sublime.

3. To depict the ways of the common people: Romantic poets were interested in capturing the experiences and struggles of ordinary individuals. They often sought to give voice to marginalized groups and shed light on societal issues and injustices.

4. To evoke intense and vivid feelings: Romantic poets aimed to arouse strong emotions in their readership. They wanted their work to evoke a range of intense feelings, such as awe, terror, joy, and passion. They believed that art should elicit emotional responses and deeply affect the audience.

Considering these aims, we can identify that "to evoke intense and vivid feelings" is a favorite aim of both the Romantic poets and Mary Shelley in writing Frankenstein. The novel explores themes of isolation, ambition, the pursuit of knowledge, and the consequences of playing god, which elicit intense emotions and provoke thought in the reader.