in a dictionary which are the guide words and which are the entry words?

guide words are the words that are in the corners of the pages in the dictionary and the entry words are the words listed on the page

what word unscrambles draleun?

skip in beacuse i dont dow what it is

In a dictionary, guide words are the words printed at the top of each page, typically on the left and right corners. These guide words help you quickly navigate through the pages and find the word you are looking for. The guide words at the top left corner of a page indicate the first word listed on that page, while the guide words at the top right corner show the last word listed on that page.

On the other hand, entry words (also known as headwords) are the words that are listed alphabetically within the dictionary. Each entry word is typically accompanied by its pronunciation and various meanings, definitions, or usage examples. The entry words can be found on the main body of the dictionary page, below the guide words.

By using the guide words and scanning the entry words in alphabetical order, you can efficiently locate the word you are searching for in a dictionary.