2 8/9 + 1 1/2

2 8/9 + 1 1/2

You need the common denominator which is 16.

2 8/9 = 2 16/18
1 1/2 = 1 9/18

2 16/18 + 1 9/18 = 3 25/18 = 4 7/18

2 8/9 + 1 1/2

2 16/18 + 1 9/18
52/18 + 27/18

To add the two mixed numbers `2 8/9` and `1 1/2`, we first handle the whole numbers and then the fractions.

Step 1: Addition of Whole Numbers
For `2 8/9 + 1 1/2`, add the whole numbers `2` and `1` together: `2 + 1 = 3`.

Step 2: Addition of Fractions
For the fractions `8/9` and `1/2`, we need to ensure that they have the same denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is `18`.

Converting fractions to the LCD:
Multiply the numerator and denominator of `8/9` by `2` to get `16/18`.
Multiply the numerator and denominator of `1/2` by `9` to get `9/18`.

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can add them:
`16/18 + 9/18 = 25/18`.

Step 3: Combine the whole number and the fraction:
The result of the addition is `3 25/18`. However, it is best to simplify this mixed number if possible.

To simplify `3 25/18`, we can convert it to an improper fraction:
`3 25/18 = (3 * 18 + 25)/18 = 79/18`.

Therefore, the simplified sum of `2 8/9` and `1 1/2` is `79/18`, or `4 7/18` when expressed as a mixed number.