Locate recent articles in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal in which economists are quoted usingpositive and normative statements. Provide one quote and its context for both a positive and normative statement. Explain your choice.Evaluate the statement choices of your fellow students.

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How would I go about finding the answer to economists are quoted using normative statements in 2011?

Locate recent articles in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal in which economists are quoted using positive and normative statements. Provide one quote and its context for both a positive and normative statement.

To locate recent articles in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal where economists are quoted using positive and normative statements, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official websites of the New York Times (nytimes.com) and Wall Street Journal (wsj.com).
2. Look for the "Search" function or enter the keywords "economist" or "economics" in the search bar.
3. Narrow down the search results by selecting articles published within the desired timeframe (e.g., recent articles).
4. Scan the articles for quotes from economists that contain positive and normative statements.

Since I don't have direct access to the internet or the ability to browse specific websites, I'm unable to provide you with recent quotes from economists in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. However, I can demonstrate an example of how the quotes might look like:

Positive Statement:
Quote: "The increase in consumer spending has contributed to a 3% growth rate in the economy last quarter."
Context: This quote provides a positive statement about the effect of increased consumer spending on economic growth.

Normative Statement:
Quote: "The government should implement policies that reduce income inequality to promote social welfare."
Context: This quote reflects a normative statement, as it suggests what actions should be taken based on notions of fairness and equity.

As for evaluating the statement choices of fellow students, without specific statements to evaluate, it is difficult for me to provide feedback. However, when evaluating positive statements, it is important to ensure they are supported by evidence and data. For normative statements, it is crucial to consider the underlying values and ethical perspectives that inform the statement. Additionally, the clarity and logic of the arguments presented can also be evaluated.