What social classes existed in Aryan culture?

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In order to understand the social classes that existed in Aryan culture, we need to look at the ancient Indian caste system. The Aryan civilization, which developed in the Indian subcontinent around 1500 BCE, divided society into four main varnas or social classes. Here they are:

1. Brahmins: The Brahmins were the highest social class and were primarily priests and scholars. They were responsible for performing religious rituals, studying and teaching the Vedas (ancient scriptures), and offering guidance to society.

2. Kshatriyas: The Kshatriyas were the warrior or ruler class. They held political power, were responsible for protecting society, and were expected to uphold laws and maintain order. Kings and warriors belonged to this class.

3. Vaishyas: The Vaishyas were the merchant and farming class. They engaged in productive economic activities such as agriculture, trade, and business. They were responsible for the production and distribution of goods.

4. Shudras: The Shudras were the laboring class, primarily serving the other three classes. They performed manual labor, working as servants, artisans, or laborers. They supported the functioning of society by providing essential services.

It's important to note that these social classes were originally based on occupation and responsibilities, rather than birth or inherited status. However, over time, the caste system became more rigid, with social mobility becoming increasingly difficult.

To understand these social classes, it is necessary to explore ancient Indian texts, such as the Rigveda, Manusmriti, and other historical writings that describe the social structure of the Aryan society. These texts provide detailed information about the roles, responsibilities, and duties associated with each social class.