Regarding the development and function of breasts progesterone is involved in developement of the excertory portion of the mammary gland. true or false

True. Progesterone plays a crucial role in the development and function of breasts, specifically in the development of the excretory portion of the mammary gland. To understand why this statement is true, let's break it down:

- The mammary gland is the primary organ responsible for producing milk in female mammals, including humans.
- The mammary gland consists of two main parts: the excretory portion, which is involved in the production and secretion of milk, and the ductal system, which carries the milk from the excretory portion to the nipple.
- During the menstrual cycle, progesterone is secreted by the ovaries.
- Progesterone promotes the development of the excretory portion of the mammary gland, including the growth and branching of the alveoli, which are tiny sacs within the breast where milk is produced.
- Additionally, progesterone helps to maintain the structure and function of the milk-producing cells and surrounding supportive tissues.

Therefore, it is true that progesterone is involved in the development of the excretory portion of the mammary gland.