OK. I am trying to work on a project and I need help with one or two things.

1. I have come up with an idea, but can't seem to get it to fit in the fields of sports or society in the ancient world. I wanted to do a web page on Actaeon and Artemis, but I can't seem to place it in that context. I just need to relate it to sports (Hunting with dogs maybe) and or society in Ancient Greece.

2. Maybe someone could offer some other suggestions of a project I could do. I am not limited to doing a web project. I can do drawings, paintings, games, crafts, lessons for children... I just am having a brain freeze at the moment.

Thanks Sra

I did check out those links and they don't give me what I need. I am very familiar with the story (It is one of my favorites). What I am trying to do is connect it with ancient Greek athletics (Wrestling, boxing, pankration, the different runs, javelin, discus, etc... or how the story relates to Ancient Greek or Roman society. I know the Romans liked to do hunting with dogs, and I am pretty sure the Greeks did too. It was like a sport, but I don't think my prof would let that one fly.

I am looking for something that Actaeon did that would make him related to sports. Heracles is known for wrestling and the Pankration, so I could do something on him, but I really wanted to stick with Actaeon. He does have the bloodline of the gods (by his mother) and his father and all his descendants were cursed (which was probably why he died anyway)

I am also looking for other ideas for a project. I don't think this one is going to pan out.


I can help you with both of your questions!

1. To relate the story of Actaeon and Artemis to sports and society in Ancient Greece, you can focus on the hunting aspect and explore how it was seen as a sport and a social activity during that time. Here's a step-by-step guide:

a. Research Ancient Greek hunting practices: Look into how hunting was a popular pastime among ancient Greeks, especially for the elite. Understand the different hunting techniques, equipment used, and the importance of hunting in their society.

b. Explore the myth of Actaeon and Artemis: Dive deep into the story of Actaeon, a mortal who stumbled upon Artemis while she was bathing and was turned into a stag and torn apart by his own hunting dogs. Analyze the symbolism and themes within the myth.

c. Draw parallels between hunting and sports: Identify similarities between hunting with dogs and modern-day sports. Explore the competitive element, physical skill requirements, and the social dynamics involved in both activities.

d. Discuss the societal implications: Examine the role of hunting and sports in ancient Greek society. Develop an understanding of how participation in hunting and sporting activities reflected social status, relationships, gender roles, and values of the time.

e. Create your web page: Organize your findings and information into a cohesive web page. Include visuals, such as images and illustrations, to enhance the overall presentation.

2. If you're looking for project ideas beyond the Actaeon and Artemis concept, here are a few suggestions:

a. Create a historical board game: Design a board game based on a specific historical period or event. Incorporate elements of strategy, chance, and educational content.

b. Craft ancient artifacts: Choose a historical civilization or culture that interests you and create replica artifacts or crafts that are representative of that era. Paint pottery, design jewelry, or construct mini models of ancient buildings.

c. Write a children's book: Develop a short story or informative book aimed at teaching children about a specific historical event or figure. Illustrate the book yourself or collaborate with an artist to bring the story to life.

d. Design a lesson plan: Develop an educational lesson plan focused on teaching children about history or a specific historical topic. Include interactive activities, worksheets, and resources to engage young learners.

Remember to choose a project that you are passionate about and that aligns with your interests and skills. Good luck with your project!