Identify the word in bold type.

None of those bagels look fresh.

A)demonstrative pronoun
B)indefinite pronoun
C)interrogative pronoun
D)relative pronoun
E)not a pronoun


No word is in bold. To make it show up in bold, use brackets <> with a B in front of the term and with /B after the term. Repost with those changes.







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None, is the word in 'bold'

To identify the word in bold type in the sentence, you can analyze the function and usage of each answer choice.

A) Demonstrative pronouns include words like "this," "that," "these," and "those," and they are used to point out specific objects or people. In the given sentence, the word "none" does not fit this description as it is not pointing out any specific bagel.

B) Indefinite pronouns are used to refer to unspecified or unknown objects, people, or quantities. The word "none" in the sentence is an example of an indefinite pronoun that refers to an unspecified quantity of bagels.

C) Interrogative pronouns are used to form questions. There is no interrogative pronoun in the given sentence.

D) Relative pronouns connect dependent clauses to main clauses and include words like "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "that." There is no relative pronoun in the given sentence.

E) This answer choice suggests that the word in bold is not a pronoun. However, based on the analysis of the other answer choices, it is clear that the word "none" functions as an indefinite pronoun in this sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is (B) indefinite pronoun.