Select the correct pronoun:

"Go find ___ and say what you have to say."



him = object

he = subject and here the subject understood is "you"


so its he right

The correct pronoun to fill the blank in the sentence is "him" (option A).

To determine the correct pronoun, you need to understand the role of the pronoun in the sentence. In this case, the pronoun is being used as the object of the verb "find." The pronoun will replace the noun that comes after "find."

So, let's break down the sentence to see how the pronoun should be used:

"Go find ___ and say what you have to say."

The sentence is instructing someone to go find a person and say something to them. Since the pronoun will be taking the place of a person, we need to use an object pronoun. In this case, "him" is the object pronoun that refers to a male person.

Therefore, the correct pronoun to fill in the blank would be "him" (option A).