Do you think all people in real life are all good or all bad? Why?

Very few people are either all good or all bad. Even Hitler supposedly liked dogs, and Mother Teresa confessed to some selfish impulses.

However, most people have complex motivations and behaviors and are combinations of "good" and "bad."

We're human.

What do you think?

To me, the issue is what is good, and bad. I am not certain all agree on those. I know my first wife disagreed with me on some of those issues.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with some insights on this topic.

It is important to recognize that human beings are diverse and complex. No single individual can be categorized as entirely good or entirely bad. Each person possesses a unique combination of qualities, values, and life experiences that shape their actions and behavior.

People's actions can range from acts of kindness, empathy, and altruism to acts of selfishness, wrongdoing, and cruelty. It is important to approach the question of human nature with an understanding that individuals have the capacity for both good and bad deeds.

It is also worth noting that people's actions can vary depending on circumstances and context. Someone who may generally be considered a good person could still potentially engage in harmful behavior under certain conditions or pressures.

Ultimately, it is more accurate and fair to say that every individual possesses the potential for both good and bad actions, rather than labeling all people as universally good or universally bad.