To reduce the frequency of a particle when it behaves like a wave, we need to ...

-Increase its mass
-Reduce its speed
-Increase its speed
-Hit it with low energy photons
-Hit it with high energy photons

Does the same wave theory apply? i.e. V = f(lambda)

When speaking of the wave velocity of a a particle, you have to distinguish between the group velocity of the "wave packet" of waves of different frequencies (which tends to move with the particle while spreading out due to the uncertainty principle) and the "phase velocity" of the different waves that make up the wave packet. The phase velocity exceeds the speed of light. A particles can be thought of as a wave packet consisting of "beats" in its Be Broglie waves.

The formula V = f(lambda) only applies if V is the phase velocity, not the particle velocity.

You CAN use the rule
h*frequency = energy
which implies that you have to increase the energy and the speed of the particle, in order to increase its wave frequency.

For a better explanation, see

So the best answer would be increasing the speed, rightÉ

Yes. While I'm at it, I misspelled De Broglie in my previous answer.

I thought to reduce the frequency of a particle, you would have to decrease the speed. no?

To reduce the frequency of a particle when it behaves like a wave, we need to increase its mass.

When a particle behaves like a wave, its frequency is related to its energy through the formula E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency. In turn, a particle's energy is related to its mass and speed through the equation E = 1/2mv^2, where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

To decrease the frequency (f) of a particle, we need to decrease its energy (E) by decreasing its speed (v) or mass (m). Since increasing the speed would increase the energy, reducing the speed is not the correct option. The correct option is to increase the mass of the particle.

As for your second question, the wave theory still applies. The equation you mentioned, V = f(lambda), is the equation for the speed of a wave, where V represents the wave speed, f represents the frequency, and lambda (λ) represents the wavelength. This equation holds true for both classical waves and waves associated with particles, known as matter waves or de Broglie waves.