Hi can someone help assist me with my math problems dealing with probability

If 80% of scheduled flights actually take place and cancellations are independent events, what is
the probability that 3 separate flights will all take place?

A) 0.51 B) 0.01 C) 0.64 D) 0.80

Applicants for a job first submit a written application. Based on the written applications, 36% of
the applicants are invited for a first interview. Of those that have a first interview, 58% are
rejected after the interview. What is the probability that a randomly selected applicant receives a
first interview and is rejected after the interview?

A) 0.1512 B) 0.7312 C) 0.94 D) 0.58 E) 0.2088

A couple has a 2/3 probability of passing on brown eyes to their children. If they have three
children, what is the probability that the children will all have brown eyes?

A) 2/3
B) 8/27
C) 8/9
D) 19/27

The probability of all events occurring is found by multiplying the probabilities of the individual events.

* = times

.8 * .8 * .8 = ?

Use the same principle for the other problems.

Sure! I can help you with your math problems dealing with probability.

Let's start with the first question:

If 80% of scheduled flights actually take place and cancellations are independent events, what is the probability that 3 separate flights will all take place?

To find the probability that all three flights will take place, we need to multiply the individual probabilities of each flight taking place. Since the cancellations are independent events, the probability of each flight taking place is 80% or 0.8.

So, the probability that all three flights will take place is:

0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.512

Therefore, the answer is A) 0.51.

Now, let's move on to the second question:

Applicants for a job first submit a written application. Based on the written applications, 36% of the applicants are invited for a first interview. Of those that have a first interview, 58% are rejected after the interview. What is the probability that a randomly selected applicant receives a first interview and is rejected after the interview?

To find the probability that a randomly selected applicant receives a first interview and is rejected after the interview, we need to multiply the probability of being invited for a first interview (36%) with the probability of being rejected after the interview (58%).

So, the probability is:

0.36 x 0.58 = 0.2088

Therefore, the answer is E) 0.2088.

Lastly, let's solve the third question:

A couple has a 2/3 probability of passing on brown eyes to their children. If they have three children, what is the probability that the children will all have brown eyes?

To find the probability that all three children will have brown eyes, we need to multiply the individual probabilities of each child having brown eyes. The probability of each child having brown eyes is 2/3 or 0.67.

So, the probability is:

0.67 x 0.67 x 0.67 = 0.298

Therefore, the answer is not provided in the options. However, the correct probability is approximately 0.298.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.