C(X)= 2.7X +4.7 SQRT OF [400^2 + (780-X)^2]

To evaluate the function C(X) = 2.7X + 4.7√[400^2 + (780-X)^2], we need to substitute a value for X and perform the necessary calculations. Let's say we want to find the value of C(X) when X = 200.

Step 1: Replace X with 200
C(200) = 2.7(200) + 4.7√[400^2 + (780-200)^2]

Step 2: Simplify within the square root
C(200) = 2.7(200) + 4.7√[400^2 + (580)^2]
= 2.7(200) + 4.7√[160000 + 336400]
= 2.7(200) + 4.7√[496400]

Step 3: Compute the square root
C(200) = 2.7(200) + 4.7(704.29)
= 540 + 3309.063

Step 4: Add the terms
C(200) = 3849.063

Therefore, when X = 200, the value of C(X) is approximately 3849.063.