how do you find an area for a pentagonal prism

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To find the surface area of a pentagonal prism, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Determine the base area: A pentagonal prism has two bases in the shape of a regular pentagon. The formula to find the area of a regular pentagon is A = (5/4) × s² × cot(π/5), where "s" represents the length of one side of the pentagon. Measure the side length, and plug it into the formula to find the area of one base.

2. Calculate the lateral area: A pentagonal prism has five rectangular faces around the sides. To find the lateral area, multiply the perimeter of the base (the sum of all five sides) by the height of the prism.

3. Add the base area and lateral area: Once you have calculated the base area and the lateral area, add them together to find the total surface area of the pentagonal prism.

It's important to note that the measurements you will need are the length of the side of the base and the height of the prism. With these measurements, you can easily calculate the surface area of the pentagonal prism.