one dividend in my fact family is 18

one of my divisors is twice one of myquotients
what three numbers are in my fact family

6 x 3 = 18


18 ÷6=3

To solve this problem, let's break down the information provided:

1. One dividend in the fact family is 18: A dividend is the number that is being divided. In this case, out of the three numbers in the fact family, one of them is 18.

2. One of the divisors is twice one of the quotients: A divisor is the number that divides the dividend. A quotient is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. So, one of the divisors is twice as large as one of the quotients.

To find the three numbers in the fact family, let's use a trial-and-error approach:

Step 1: Start with the dividend, which is 18.

Step 2: Choose a random divisor. Let's say we choose 3.

Step 3: Calculate the quotient by dividing the dividend (18) by the chosen divisor (3). The quotient is 6.

Step 4: According to the given information, one of the divisors should be twice the value of one of the quotients. In this case, the divisor (3) is not twice the quotient (6).

Step 5: Adjust the divisor. Let's try multiplying it by 2. So, 3 * 2 = 6.

Step 6: Now, calculate the new quotient by dividing the dividend (18) by the new divisor (6). The new quotient is 3.

So, the three numbers in your fact family are 18 (dividend), 6 (divisor), and 3 (quotient).

Alternatively, you can also solve this problem algebraically:

Let the dividend be represented by a, the divisor by b, and the quotient by c.

From the given information, we have:
a = 18 (One dividend in the fact family is 18)
b = 2c (One of the divisors is twice one of the quotients)

Substituting the value of b in terms of c, we have:
18 = 2c * c
18 = 2c^2

Simplifying further:
2c^2 = 18
c^2 = 18/2
c^2 = 9
c = ±√9
c = ±3

Since a negative quotient does not make sense in this context, we take the positive value:
c = 3

Now, substituting the value of c back into the equation b = 2c, we have:
b = 2 * 3
b = 6

Therefore, the three numbers in your fact family are 18 (dividend), 6 (divisor), and 3 (quotient).