
Prove that if a and b are rational numbers, (a + ^b)3 + (a - ^b)3 is also rational.

^ = sq root sign


To prove that the expression (a + √b)^3 + (a - √b)^3 is rational when a and b are rational numbers, we can simplify the expression and show that it can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

Let's simplify the given expression:

(a + √b)^3 + (a - √b)^3

Using the binomial formula for (a + √b)^3:

(a + √b)^3 = a^3 + 3a^2√b + 3ab + b√b

Similarly, using the binomial formula for (a - √b)^3:

(a - √b)^3 = a^3 - 3a^2√b + 3ab - b√b

Now, let's add both expressions together:

(a + √b)^3 + (a - √b)^3 = a^3 + 3a^2√b + 3ab + b√b + a^3 - 3a^2√b + 3ab - b√b

Combining like terms:

(a + √b)^3 + (a - √b)^3 = 2a^3 + 6ab

Since a and b are rational numbers, the product and sum of rational numbers is also rational. Therefore, 2a^3 + 6ab is a rational number.

Hence, we have proved that if a and b are rational numbers, (a + √b)^3 + (a - √b)^3 is also a rational number.