1. Classify the following number as rational or irrational: 4.1


2. True or False: The Associative Property allows you to change the order of terms in an expression. False?


1. Is 41/10 a fraction of integers? If so, then it is rational.

2. true: (4+3)+2= 4+(3+2)

2. false, you aren't changing the order of the terms, only of the parenthesis

1. To determine if a number is rational or irrational, we need to understand their definitions. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction (where the numerator and denominator are both integers). Irrational numbers, on the other hand, cannot be expressed as a fraction. They are non-repeating and non-terminating decimals.

In this case, the number 4.1 can be expressed as 41/10, which is a fraction. Thus, 4.1 is a rational number.

2. That statement is correct. The Associative Property of addition and multiplication states that the grouping of numbers in an expression does not affect the result. In other words, you can change the order of terms without affecting the outcome. For example:

Associative Property of Addition: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

Associative Property of Multiplication: (a * b) * c = a * (b * c)

Therefore, the statement "The Associative Property allows you to change the order of terms in an expression" is true.