
Rice is what you’ll probably end up with these days if your local McDonald’s is in Indonesia. With the
collapse of the Indonesian currency, the rupiah, in 1998, potatoes...have quintupled in price. That
means rice is turning with an increasing frequency as an alternative to the french fry.... It’s not hard to
fathom why fries are an endangered menu item says Jack Greenberg, CEO of McDonald’s: “No one
can afford them.”
Based on this passage, McDonald’s is serving rice in its Indonesian restaurants because of
a. a decrease in the price of a complement.
b. an increase in the price of a complement.
c. a decrease in price of a substitute.
d. an increase in the price of a substitute.
Its D?


That answer doesn't make any sense. Please read your text and the question carefully.


To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze the passage and understand the relationship between rice and the price of its substitutes or complements.

According to the passage, the collapse of the Indonesian currency in 1998 led to an increase in the price of potatoes, which are likely the complement to french fries in McDonald's meals. As a result, rice is now being served as an alternative to french fries due to its affordability. Therefore, the serving of rice is directly linked to the increase in the price of its substitute, potatoes.

The correct answer to the question is indeed option d. an increase in the price of a substitute.